jalapa producers.jpeg

Origin: Jalapa, Guatemala
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí.
Process: Dry.
Altitude: 1600 m.a.s.l.
Score: 88.00 points.

This coffee, or collection of coffees we should say, is quite peculiar because it is a single origin but doesn't come from a single farm. Instead, we select the best, ripest coffee cherries from micro producers from the Jalapa region and bring them in together for dry processing: a lengthy and risky process in which the cherries are carefully turned every 3-4 hours for a total of 28 days. 

The resulting coffee has a fine acidity with an accompanying sweetness akin to strawberries–all within a well structured body characteristic of dry processed beans.

Roasted by Betty Leiva, Q Grader,
in Guatemala City, Guatemala